I'm a rising senior at Cornell University's College of Engineering. I am majoring in Information Science, Systems, and Technology and minoring in Business and Law. Previously, I was an Explore intern at Microsoft Azure SDN (Summer 2018). This summer, I am returning to Microsoft Azure SDN as a Software Engineering intern.
I'm passionate about the interdisciplinary work that explores computing and the implications of technology on the economy, society and the human condition. By maintaining a strong background in computing while exploring and analyzing areas in tech ethics, design, and business, I strive to focus my efforts towards contributing to projects and initatives that can have a positive impact on users.
Now some random tidbits about me:
I'm a sitarist 🎵, Indian classical dancer 💃🏽 and sculptor👩🏽🎨 (and now trying out sketching✏️)
I own a lot of yellow because I believe its an energetic, powerful color (my glasses are yellow too!)💛
yes, those are brussel sprouts behind me- they make for a great background📸